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Marshall S. Thomas
Cover art by liuzishan
A giant rogue star burns a fiery path to the Crista Cluster, relentless and final. Is it a terrifying natural event or a genocidal attack on humanity? The ConFree Legion drops Strat Recon into Galactica vac to discover the truth. Commander Seeker leads his squad into action knowing that 85 percent of Strat Recon troopers are killed in action. Is he insane? Yes, but so is the rest of the ConFree Legion.
Galactica is a rapidly expanding secret empire of militant psychotic alien arthropod exosegs, determined to exterminate all humans who oppose their holy mission. They have seized Arran, a human world. Seeker contacts the Angelic Liberation Front, a doomed human resistance group led by the Crow, a fanatic hungry for alien blood.
Victory or death! Life and death on Arran: the exoseg aliens attack in massive waves, firing bioblasts, gunning down men, women and children. Strat Recon responds with opstars and advances into a full-scale galactic war. A captured exoseg officer wants only to die for his race. So does Seeker. His comrades are dying and finally he has nothing left but vengeance. The Legion offers immortality and death, and Seeker will die defending the women and children of ConFree.
Don't miss Strat Recon's suicidal foray into enemy vac.
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