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Read your own heart — then walk your own road


All I wanted was a little reassurance — a glimpse of the future. I shouldn't have asked.


"I speak from the Realm of the Dead," Moontouch said. "You will abandon me, and your son, again, leaving us to face our enemies alone. I see a White Death, invincible, wasting mighty empires. And innocents, trusting in you, betrayed and abandoned — by you! I see an endless war, and your people exhausted, in despair. I see men without minds, killing without remorse, and children without hope, waving the flags of an evil god. I see two madmen, leaders of the forces of light and darkness, locked in a struggle to the death, for the future of humanity. You will follow the one, and fight the other, and never know which god you serve. I see you ... leaving your mortal flesh, to walk among the dead..."


I learned soon enough that it was all to come true — all of it.


Excerpt from Barnes & Noble


I'm always excited to find a new addition to the Soldier of the Legion Series in my mailbox. The characters in this series seem like old friends to me now, and I'm eager to discover what sort of dangers they might encounter. I'm not a sci-fi devotee, but this series is so imaginative, so well written and rich in imagery that I find myself devouring every page.


At book's beginning, Thinker, Priestess, and Moontouch have found peace and happiness together on Andrion 2. The war-weary Thinker enjoys his "desk detail" scanning d-screens in a blast proof bunker and playing with his son, Stormdawn, but he knows such happiness can't last. He's a Legion warrior, and when the call to battle comes, he and Priestess must answer. Moontouch predicts an ominous outcome to Thinker's latest battles, one that leaves him walking among the dead.


When their old friend, Tara, goes missing, intel points to the Omnis. Thinker and his team carry the scars of past Omni wars and dread facing them again. The spidery Omnis are skilled telepaths with superior weapons and a taste for human blood and flesh. They've been the scourge of the known universe for longer than Thinker can remember. But this battle will be different. The Omnis and humans are threatened by a common enemy — the White Death. A more horrible enemy can't be imagined because every known weapon is helpless against it. The Omnis and Legion join forces to defeat the White Death. The fate of all living creatures rests on an unproven holographic and time travel program developed by Tara to find an antidote for the White Death. Everyone involved is skating on the edge of madness as the latest battle begins. Wars are won by quiet heroes doing the unthinkable, as described by Thinker:


"The Captain of the Wraith (a starship) was a pale young Outworlder with hot dark eyes, a military shortcut, and a Combat Cross on his blacks. The Legion didn't award medals but there were sometimes other clues to a person's past. The Captain wore a ring decorated with four tiny Systie starships. It meant he had sent four shiploads of Systie souls to Hell. Good credentials, I decided. His Exec was an Assidic, warname Typhoon, fierce slit eyes, ramrod straight, practically twitching — anxious for action. Borderline, I thought, both of them. I could see the madness in their eyes. Yes, these two would take us to Hell all right, and wait around until we were through, or dead. The Legion needed madmen like them. Sane people would never do what had to be done."


A good action book is like a good action movie and leaves readers happily exhausted in the end. I'm still waiting for some savvy producer to make a movie out of this series. It has everything: memorable, courageous heroes who are all but immortal thanks to biotechnology; fierce battle action on hostile worlds; ghastly creatures bent on eliminating all humans; and, most of all, this series of books has heart and hope for all who read them. Highly recommended.


 — Laurel Johnson, Midwest Book Review

Finalist in Book of the Year Award


Cross of the Legion has been selected as a Finalist in ForeWord Review's 2009 Book of the Year Award competition in the Science Fiction/Fantasy category.  This is a national contest and coming in as a Finalist is considered to be quite a feat.  To find out why the judges liked it, buy a copy today.

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